Why I’m an executive wellness coach


We’re probably a lot alike. I’m mostly a type A, even though I don’t always like to admit it! I’m definitely ambitious and a boss at heart. And there’s nothing more exciting to me than taking on a new challenge, seeing it through and impacting people and lives in unimaginable ways!

But by the age of 36, after working in media in NYC and running my own national agency in Chicago, I was burned out. And ironically, I noticed many of my clients felt the same way. We were making ourselves sick while working hard and chasing our dreams. And that’s when I faced the BIG trade-off at the top.

The trade-off between taking care of my health vs my business. And as you can imagine, I didn’t like it. So challenge accepted. I set out to solve this unacceptable situation for myself and all the business leaders out there. I spent the last decade perfecting a wellness coaching system made for type A executives who are stuck in the trade-off, want a way out and deserve so much more! And after coaching 1,000+ clients, I have the solution.

Whether you are mid-career, preparing for retirement or recently retired, my executive wellness coaching is designed just for you. It’s time to finally feel good and enjoy the life you’ve worked so hard to build. There’s no reason to wait. So let’s go boss!

Read Jen’s full bio here.

What Executives Are Saying


Jen taught me how to find time in my life to take care of myself. Each week, we made small adjustments that added up to more energy and fewer medications.

— Dave K.

Jen met with me via Zoom on Saturday mornings when I was more rested and had time to focus on me. In just 30 minutes we covered everything that counted for the next week.

— James M.


Jen’s coaching is very focused. We addressed my mindset along with weekly strategies and tactics to reach my goals and vision. She’s a real pro and fun to work with.

— Kevin B.

Jen is someone you are grateful to have in your life and in your corner. She’s your advocate and accountability partner.

— Susan W.

Jen’s Education and Training includes ..

Start feeling your best now and for many years to come!